Olaf Grawert plans, writes, and talks about architecture. His work focuses on the Poetics and Politics of Space: the political and economic conditions, as well as the imaginaries and narratives that shape the built environment. Collaborating with a network of individuals and institutions across Europe, he develops projects that bridge theory and practice, including building design, campaigns, exhibitions, films, publications, and teaching.

He is a founding partner and architect at the collaborative design practice b+ (bplus.xyz), which focuses on the adaptive reuse of existing buildings. He is a researcher and program director at s+ (station.plus), the Chair for Architecture and Storytelling at ETH Zurich. He is the co-initiator and campaign manager at HouseEurope! (houseeurope.eu), a non-profit policy lab and European Citizens' Initiative for the renovation and against the demolition of existing buildings.

Professional Experience

He co-initiated and curated 2038 - The New Serenity, the German Pavilion at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale (2019-2021), together with Arno Brandlhuber, Nikolaus Hirsch, and Christopher Roth.

He co-founded s+ (station.plus), the Chair for Architecture and Storytelling at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich (2017). In addition to teaching (2017-2022), he guest-edited several issues of ARCH+, including The Property Issue (2017, 2019), Posthumane Architecture (2019), and Business Architecture (2023, 2024). As part of their research program, he was responsible for producing exhibitions such as Legislating Architecture (traveling since 2018) and films like The Demolition Drama (2023).

He worked as a freelance author and designer with Brandlhuber+ (2015-2022) on various projects, publications, and exhibitions, including San Gimignano Lichtenberg, El Croquis, New York Times, and the Chicago and Venice Biennials. Together with the artist and director Christopher Roth, they produced the films The Property Drama (2017) and Architecting after Politics (2018).

He is co-editor of What is Architecture (since 2014) and served as a junior researcher and student assistant at the Chair for Architectural Theory at LFU Innsbruck with Bart Lootsma (2011-2015).

He studied architecture at TU Berlin and LFU Innsbruck, where he graduated in architectural design and architectural theory. Before transitioning to architecture, he worked in fashion and retail management (2006-2010). Prior to that, he attended the Higher Vocational School for Arts and Crafts, Linz, where he graduated in Design and Business Administration.

Teaching Experience

He was a visiting lecturer for architectural design at ETH Zurich (2024), an adjunct professor for architecture and design at Politecnico di Milano (MInDS, 2024), a visiting professor for architectural theory at the University of Innsbruck (2023), and an associate researcher and teacher for architecture and design at ETH Zurich (2017-2023).

He lectured at Aarhus School of Architecture (DK), Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (AT), Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio (CH), AHO Oslo School of Architecture and Design (NO), Bard College (US), Domus Academy Milan (IT), ETH Zurich (CH), Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK), UC Berkeley (US), UIC Chicago (US), University of Cambridge (UK), and many more. He was a guest critic at EPFL (CH), ETH Zurich (CH), Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (DK), TU Berlin (DE), TU Vienna (AT), and many more.


In addition to my design work and teaching engagements, I conduct and edit video interviews, write articles and essays, and deliver lectures on architecture and real estate as they relate to legislation, economy, and storytelling. I also offer consulting services for architecture firms to (re)develop company goals, strategies, and organizational systems, as well as workshops on representation and storytelling.

Please note that all services are part of and provided through bplus.xyz

Exhibition at CIVA featuring HouseEurope!

The Business of Architecture
ARCH+ co-edited by station.plus

Renovation Concept by bplus.xyz

Looking for Problems
Interview in Apartamento Magazine with blpus.xyz

2038 - The New Serenity
German Pavilion at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale by 2038

Arts of the Working Class N°120: 2038 The New Serenity